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Why You Can't Manage Time

How often do you lie in bed in the morning thinking to yourself: 'I wish I could just get one more hour of sleep?' Or perhaps you have just sat down at 9pm and realised that it was first time today that you have been able to take a 'breath' after rushing around working and managing the kids all day. Or you realise you have spent a large share of the day mentally plotting who has to do what by when, and worrying that you have missed something.
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Why you need to keep an organised calendar

Everyone has a calendar. The real question is 'How well do you use it?

It’s Sunday night. The weekend is over. You sit down on the couch and start to plan for the upcoming week. You know that on Monday you have work, but is your son going to soccer practice or has he got tutoring? When is his assessment? How about your daughter, hasn’t she got an excursion this week?

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